Saturday 23 August 2014

The Aleph

I've been reading some very interesting books lately, the latest of them 'The Aleph' by Paulo Coelho. The Aleph, he says, is a point in the universe that contains all other points, present and past, large and small, and when you are in that point where the Aleph exists you'll experience a seemingly endless trance.


Well, that's Mr Paulo Coelho for the uninitiated among you... always associating life's simple aspects with such loony philosophical constructs.

For us less spiritually oriented people, the Aleph simply is that place in a room or a building or even a city where you always feel more confident, more at peace with yourself and more present.

Going by that definition, I have a lot of Alephs... one at home, one at college, one at the Aluva Railway station....... oh and I had quite a lot of choices for an Aleph in the Kannur bound Intercity express that I used to board from Aluva. Yes... because of some weird personality defect my Alephs are toilets.

Now, if you are done with the 'Ewww' and acting all grossed out, let me explain. A toilet is the only place where you can truly be alone the whole time you are there. It is the one place where you can feel the lightness of being( and I mean that both literally and philosophically).
Presently, my Aleph is the fourth floor boys toilet at ACE Academy, Hyderabad. It is the one place where people dont disturb me much(except for that guy in the adjoining toilet who's always singing the National Anthem while he's in there).

Actually, it was....
Until some prick started inscribing his life's ambitions on the walls of the toilet. Reading through that 'great' piece of literature that this guy regularly updated, it was obvious that all his thoughts revolved around one particular girl in his class. The walls were full of 'colourful' statements in which he had expressed how 'hard'ly he'd fallen in love and how 'strongly' he felt for her.

Now, I downright loathe people who deface public property and this guy was filling out the walls with the girl's name. One day I got fed up of this.
I was so pissed I took out my green ink pen and wrote in big letters on the wall...
"Atleast spell her name correctly you asshole!!", because I had done some ground work and there was no girl in the institute with the name spelled the way he did on the wall.

Next day, his reply was there, written in red ink.
"Sorry **", and then there was the girl's name with the spelling mistake corrected. That whole day I asked around if anyone knew a girl by that name. In the evening someone said she was in the canteen with her friends. I went to the canteen. There she was.... and damn was she beautiful!! The perfect combination of beautiful and hot.

I ran to the toilet and wrote on the wall...
"I understand what you are going through. Be strong brother......

but fucking stop dirtying the walls of my toilet!!"

He hasn't yet replied to that comment. So I'm assuming that was the end of our joint attempt at a potential best seller in the Young Adult fiction genre.
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. What am I supposed to say yaar...boys stuff know..
    "National Anthem"....praise the lord....gyss....
    And about the Aleph...sometimes I'm at one of mine when I read ur page...not always k....May b because I think u have a crazy head...or may b I have one of that kind...whatever.........
