Saturday 26 July 2014

When I play with myself...

I'm sure the title has perked your curiosity, but I'm gonna have to disappoint all you dirty minded people. This is not a description of the scenario the title might've led you to imagine. This is about an interesting game I play in my head(with myself :P).

It's called, 'Who's to blame?'. As the name suggests, this involves finding out who is to be blamed for something going wrong and reasoning out why it is so. You might accuse that it's such a negative game. In that case my defence is.... Duh, that's what makes it so-fucking-interesting!!!

To give you a better perspective on the game, I'll give you an example. After watching 'Dawn of the planet of the apes', I started thinking about all the ways in which we humans have mutilated this planet of ours. We are never content with what we have. We need more. Wars are waged for Oil and Natural Resources. We keep designing superior vehicles which create the need for better roads and then we cut down forests to pave these roads. I asked myself,

'Who's to blame?'

'Who started all this?'

The answer was obvious. The first human businessman was the beginning point of the downfall.
You don't agree?

Consider this...
Two cavemen are talking. One has a banana. He peels it, and before taking a bite asks the other,
"Dude, you hungry?"
And then he shares the banana with his friend.

A few months later, the same two cavemen are talking(there were no smartphones then, people talked to kill time). One of them again has a banana(coz bananas are funny). He peels it and before taking a bite asks the other,
"Dude, you hungry?"
The other nods a Yes. A wicked smile then appears on the first man's face as the following words were spoken for the first time in human history,
"That'll be 10 Rupees Sir"
(Or whatever the cavemen currency was at that time). And then they were not friends anymore.

I'm telling you, that is where greed was born. That prick of a banana seller(the first businessman) set our species on the path which took us to the point where we are now.

Well, now you know how the game works. Test it. Blame someone now. I guarantee you, you'll feel good.

On the off chance that you expected something intelligent from me, I regret to inform you that the precious little of it which I have is being consumed in trying to grasp the nuances of Electrical Engineering. With what's left, these are the only sort of things which I can bring myself to think about.

There's another game called 'Finding Faults'. More on that later.


posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Interesting....knowingly or unknowingly this is what most of us do at times...especially when we are given no option other than just sit back and watch the show....even if the concerned commodity is our life itself.....may be that's the easy way out from situations...just blame someone right...when I'm frustrated with myself this is what mostly i do...but my objects are always the same..."parents"(i do this in silent mode)...!!!
    But however the "feel good" stage is just temporary...I feel better when I fight my way out rather than blaming just random someone.Someone told that "karma is the bitch"...may b..
