Tuesday 17 June 2014


These two months were tough, with the 8th semester university examinations and the prospect of having to go home after four years at college. It scared me. Though I was happy that I’d gotten through such a strenuous task as B.Tech, I wasn’t yet prepared to face the eventuality that I’d have to leave behind everything I’d learned to love and step into the unknown. To give up the place and the people among which you thought you belonged, to go home and move back into your old room which your brother has customized to his tastes, to be under your parents’ radar 24*7, to be asked to do household chores once again…. all this was very much disconcerting. Meanwhile facebook served as a constant reminder of how happy you were at college. With all this happening I had neither time nor inspiration to blog. I felt empty. No new stories to share, no lame jokes to tell. For a while, I’d become totally disillusioned with the whole idea of writing. I started asking myself, “who reads this stuff anyway..?”

Whenever I start having doubts about something, I do away with it. It’s one of the components of my protocol stack(yes I have one and this was not meant to make myself sound tech savvy). I call it the OSOM(out of sight, out of mind) protocol. So, I deleted the blog. I even deleted all the unfinished drafts, and then I slept relieved. For a week I didn’t even think about it.

Then slowly, the itch returned… of wanting to write down the things I think about, and then it grew into the familiar obsession… of wanting to think about something new so that I could write about it. More importantly, friends started asking what happened to the blog. I was told that even if I don’t write anything new, I should leave the blog up there for the people who might want to reread the posts(If I ever happen to write a book or something, I’m dedicating it to you… you know who you are). It was so flattering I couldn’t stop myself from blushing, but I got the reassurance I needed.

So, the blog is back up even though I have no idea if I have it in me to write again. Thank you, all you wonderful people who love me enough to tell me ‘keep writing’. I’ll try.



  1. Great come back dude...go ahead

  2. love reading your blog man.. never get tired of reading some of your posts.. really entertaining, humorous and short! Just Don't Stop Writing Yet.

    I notice that you have changed your ''About Me'' description too.. I see!

    1. Had to do it. The old one didn't sound so funny anymore. :D

  3. gud......keep rocking.......go on....:-)

  4. I read ur last post nearly two months ago...with somany things happening around,i really didnt get the time to stalk....when i opened this post today,i never thought that i'm going to read something like this..,.dont stop writing,,,l b waiting for something new....

  5. thank god u started again.. i almost had a heart attack! well.. not really, but still.. u shudnt have deleted it though. it was kinda selfish -_- >_<
    glad u changed ur decision ^_^ :)
    keep going :D please...
