Monday 20 February 2017

Imaginary enemy

I have an imaginary enemy
Everything about her I envy
Her hair long and wavy
Her frame slim and curvy
Her pretty dress and jewels dainty

Her choices are under constant scrutiny
Her achievements induce jealousy
Her having an opinion makes me angry
Length of her skirt raises cries for modesty
Her rejection incites fury

She’s always clamouring for equality
For equal opportunities and to be paid equally
To not imprison her in an outdated reality
To not transgress on her bodily autonomy
To not suppress her sexuality

I preach sermons telling her to be a proper lady
But what right do I have to assume moral superiority?
Who am I to pass judgement on her purity?
Why do I have to restrict her to overcome my insecurity?
Why can’t we both be free and live in harmony?

I have an imaginary enemy
She’s winning over me slowly
Helping me overcome my toxic masculinity
Fighting my demons and still loving me unreservedly
She’s given me a glimpse of divinity.


  1. Your 'y' fetishism made the poem sound like a rap in my head..:D Loved it!

    1. Yeah.. I was trying to channel my inner Eminem. :P
