Monday 4 November 2013

Masks, capes and bodysuits

Lately, filmmakers have been gripped by a sort of superhero frenzy. Men with colourful long flowing capes are being seen much too frequently on TV screens. Add an adjective before ‘man’ and you have a brand new superhero, whoever came up with this idea must have been a really lazy man. I mean if he could take time to draw up a ‘Super’hero with such awesome ‘Super’powers he could’ve taken some more time to create a name which was more creative and less obvious than ‘Super’man. And what was the purpose of the cape…?, if anything it creates more air resistance and makes it more difficult to fly. Thank God the creators of Flash had the common sense to get rid of it. Lastly, how can one forget the Red- underwear-on-top-of-a-bodysuit design. It couldn’t have been more tacky.

Indians have always been interested in astrology and rotation and revolution of planets. But “Shaktiman’…?, point towards heaven and turn yourself around like a top…?

Come on guys…, we are credited with the creation of ‘zero’. A little more originality and something less embarrassing would’ve been better.

Leave it to Rakesh Roshan to carry on the legacy of Shaktiman and what does he do..?

He adds a dollop of extra power to a normal guy, gives him the ability to run real fast and climb mountains and jump off tall trees. Commendable effort right..? People approve of it and he thinks about a sequel. You give him the benefit of the doubt and what does he do..?, gives the same normal guy super-fucking-human abilities. He can now fly like superman, run like flash, catch falling multi-storeyed buildings and come back from the dead. Frankly Mr Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan…… HOW DUMB DO YOU THINK WE ARE…?

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